Saturday 6 June 2009


its just eww....its happen at man's hostel (except for my hostel section)

This the most groze thing that i've had ever seen through my life in kml,labuan.

Just imagine all those rubbish they throw down.
Its just ewwww......i hate to admit this but their attitude just make me hate them and their mind n soul is just like pilakzzzz....

I dunno what they had learned from 1 or 2 years in college.....its just un exceptable....

who they think they are?there soo many things that can be done to celebrate the last day of college...but this is not the right way...obviously!!!!!

I'm so pity with all the mak cik n abang cleaner that clean all the stuff on the next morning....

sampai berpeluh aku tengok...
before i go home i sempatlah jugak say sorry to the cleaner geng' because of the pilakz attitude....
And I dont think that those person involve will gradually get any good pointer...if maybe becouse of luck n i think that those person with high pointer but act like pilakz will not even give anything to the country,race or whatever...!!

"it happens in the last day of the final first,some of the students were just throwing out the papers ( mostly the exam papers ) from the window.then,its getting serious until the last thing that is being thrown out to the floor is a locker.can you imagine how big and heavy it is?and what happen if someone gets hit suddenly."Nasrul Fadhli said.

I dont like to make my life sucks just becouse of this but it make me...^%^%#^$%(&^)*&()&_(*_*&^%#$#@!#^&%&)*)(!!!!!!!


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