Team Medical Dragon focuses around a genius surgeon, Asada Ryutaro, who's methods have made him a bit of a renegade in the eyes of Japanese doctors. The manga exposes the "illness" of the Japanese hospitals and how their system is not designed to care for the patient.
The manga is appropriate for mature audiences and contains blood, nudity, harsh language, and sex.
team medical dragon is a mangga (comic) about..(please read the summary).It's a really good manga minus sex.others is fine.
This is my new obsession ...I cant stop reading it! (that explain why you are soo malas afif!!!) The story line really caught me in the heart,making me believe that my dream to be a medical doctor is just is what I wanna be...ooohh ....(even though in the reality i am really grateful for what I had).
I really advised person above aged 18 to read it.because some of the drawings are too.........explicit(well daaaah read the summary : nudity , sex!!)
here's the link
p/s: owh I heard that in 2014 doctors will tanam anggur !!!!!!! yikes!
mcm ada ne tau drama dia...huhu
iya ada....huhu
salam.. y doctor bakal tnam anggur tym tue? =.=" huhuhuhh..
ikhwan: sebab aku dengar Dr cakap malaysia terlalu byk menghasilkan Dr and in 2014 kita akan ada masalah terlalu banyak Dr.itu yg aku dengar...
baik tengok perkara berfaedah drpd nonton 18 n above anime ni fif.peringatan utk diri sendiri juga
oic.. huhuhh.. so, better switch my career la..huhuh..
na'il:sekarang dah kurang na'il....busy deh takder mase
ikhwan:hohoho...aku pun takut nih...
but last week our prof said that the gvernment already revised that thingy and they said msia still need doc until 2020 ;) good news ^^
gluck yusof:serious? syukur..
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