Tuesday, 9 June 2009

why woman BRA n PanTIES?

well i had this question since i was 12...
why do BRA or in malay 'coli' must have like super fancy flower,decoration,colour ,not to forget sometimes it have 'manik'(exp kat shopping mall)..

Why do some of the bra have like 'ropol2' everywhere..????
this thing make me questioning WHY??!!!
if the bra is colourful or anything fancy it WILL NOT be seen right?as it called under garment..or 'baju dalam ' orang kampung bilang....
So what is the point woman spending their money for Bra that have lots of *******(benda2 menarik) rather to buy bra with the major function to support the BREAST!!???

Plus,the panties also the same.....It have like soo many like Bling2 on it ......doesnt it fill itchy when u wear it?..
Lastly,Do you buy Those kind panties n Bra?if soo tell or email me why???pls...i want to know WHY????


Khairieah said...

afif, itu kan wlupun kena pakai under the clothes and no one can see it, sebenarnya we girls feel confident when wearing beautiful bras.. for me la.

and extra info, when girls buy black bra, they have intention to show it off when they wear white shirt..haha trust me. but im not one of them! interesting topic!

ouh ya, semua tu direka untuk tidak mendatangkan rasa gatal2..so no worries! nda gatal..haha

Nasrul Fadhli said...

itu sbb diorng mau tarik prhatian si suami nnt.haha

Anonymous said...

b2l ckp abon...
utk suami...
x pn utk org yg dorng mau buat sex...
(utk pngamal sex bebas la)...
lgpn klu ropol2 mknanya nnti akn nmpk ttonjol...sbb ropol2 2 kn kra tbal...
soooo nmpk mcm besar...
kn konfiden cm2...hahahaha

Khairieah said...

hahaha gila2 ba pendapat c syahmi...ropol2 nampak tebal. =D LOL

afifs said...

hahaha.....tebal ahh syahmi....