As u all know from my previous post....
i gonna go to USM(universiti sains malaysia)..
at kelantan specifically Kubang kerian.
I am soo excited plus very eager to learn all the subject that i will learn there....

The Doctor of Dental Surgery programme is a five-year course. Its curriculum is designed to be integrated, problem-based, spiral and community oriented. The programme is divided into 3 phases :
Phases I (Year 1)Basic medical and dental sciences
Phases II (Year 2 & 3)Pre-clinic training
Phases III (Year 4 & 5)Dental clinic training

In formulating the curriculum we took into consideration the various problems existing in established dental faculties, parri passu with new developments in dental education.
The basic educational strategies adopted by the School of Dental Sciences can be summarised by the acronym 'SPICES'. The SPICES model in this context means :
S -
Student oriented
P -
Problem based
I -
C -
Community oriented
E -
S -
Spiral and Systematic
Learning in the first spiral in Phase I is reinforced and expanded in Phase II and III, which comprises the 2nd and 3rd spiral respectively. This spiral concept enables the school to implement the philosophy of both horizontal and vertical integration of subjects/disciplines.

The Doctor of Dental Surgery programme is a five-year course. Its curriculum is designed to be integrated, problem-based, spiral and community oriented. The programme is divided into 3 phases :
Phases I (Year 1)Basic medical and dental sciences
Phases II (Year 2 & 3)Pre-clinic training
Phases III (Year 4 & 5)Dental clinic training

In formulating the curriculum we took into consideration the various problems existing in established dental faculties, parri passu with new developments in dental education.
The basic educational strategies adopted by the School of Dental Sciences can be summarised by the acronym 'SPICES'. The SPICES model in this context means :
S -
Student oriented
P -
Problem based
I -
C -
Community oriented
E -
S -
Spiral and Systematic
Learning in the first spiral in Phase I is reinforced and expanded in Phase II and III, which comprises the 2nd and 3rd spiral respectively. This spiral concept enables the school to implement the philosophy of both horizontal and vertical integration of subjects/disciplines.
Looks like fun right?
But from what I learn from the experience of others that this course is not as easy as its look...its hardnest is as the same as the medical doctor courses...but my name is afif shafie that will not ever give up no matter what ..!!
n i am willing to learn what ever it takes too make my dream come true....chewah..
azam 2009 bulan 6....hahhahaha
oi jijix! haha!
bkn ko d egypt ka??
yg usm ni under upu ka ko dpt?
ndak jadi aku pg egypt....
takut aku terlampo jauh..hua3....
mcm mana mo ckp ahh...dia kan U apex kat malaysia..jadi dia teda d upu....
dia yg tapis student dia sendiri....
dia yg buat ujian kemasukan segalaklah...huhu...
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