well it is obvious that women use that part for breast feeding.so I google it.Well,from my reading and from my brain archive I understand that after the sperm and ovum fertilize.we grow to be a foetus then embryo.During these stages, all the characteristic are the same as male or female.even our structures during fetus are the same as others animal like lizard etc(just an eg).Then , as we have X and Y chromosome that differ our gender characteristic.
The Y chromosome will enhance male characteristic.As the matter of fact, the breast and nipple is not one of male OBVIOUS features .It will remain small and will not go away as it form during fetal life.Got it afif??so it is just an accessory...(but I think God will not Do anything without purpose)hmm...
Later on I scroll down the web and found this:
Large Nipple Reduction Surgery in Men
hoho...well I was like what????Do men do this kind of thing.For your information,I'm from a boarding school.So,seeing others nipple were a common thing for me.One of my friend were being called 50 cent just because his nipple had a size of that coin(lol)..
Left Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. Right Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Left Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. Right Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Left Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. Right Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Left Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. Right Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Left Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. Right Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Left Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. Right Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. |
Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
Pictures before Plastic Surgery to Reduce Long Male Nipples. |
Pictures after Reduction Plastic Surgery of Big Male Nipples. |
very informative afif. thank u =)
tp kenapa jg tu bebulu2..kin geli.haha
haha....besalah bah tuh.....untuk pengetahuan kau...mengikut pengamatan aku sepanjan di asrama..jumlah lelaki berbulu dada meningkat....huaaa
jadi cubalah ndak geli ,,mana tau nanti orang tersayang pun ada...naaaa....
setiap ciptaan ALLAH ada fungsinya.....
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