Guys,I'm bald again !! yay si Botak kembali mengganas....haha....well,to tell you the truth,I'm kinda sad looking my hair fallen to the floor....huaaaa...but I am glad I done my hair in that(if I tell you , you will not even know it,kampung punya saloon= RM7.00) saloon....really nice...
My hair even have that line macam pilak tuh...hoho..yup I am one of the pilak already....so call me afif botak pilaks....wah...haha..you will never imagine how long they do the line on my hair(lama gilak!) even their boss came and do my hair instead of that dark barber...
later I will load the picture yah...my computer back here at home is very tua...so malas mau cucuk2 pendrive nanti jammed .....k lah...one thing for sure I like my hair soo much,and i look good with it(I hope)
until next post......bye..:D
p/s:heesyam cakap dulu time aku gumuk botak macam buddha...sekarang?hehe..macam tapir...hohoho
that picture reminds me of plkn sinar jaya. huhu
haha..same2....plkn bha kita nih...
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