Tuesday, 28 July 2009
behave PLEASE.....
when i was studying , one of the subject is related with skin.So,it's mention about std's (sexual transmitted disease).Then , i check out for some picture for reference.Here are some pictures that i want to share with you.
so how was it?nice?want one?
people out there , please beware of your sexual life.we live only once.so, live your life that do not make you suffer.
love your Creator,
love your family,
love your life,
love your self,
Monday, 27 July 2009
Is it TRUE?-Yasmin Ahmad
KUALA LUMPUR: Jenazah Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad, 51, selamat dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam USJ 23, Subang Jaya, dekat sini sebelum solat Zuhur, jam 12.40 tengah hari tadi.
Pengarah filem dan iklan terkenal itu meninggal dunia di Hospital Pakar Damansara, jam 11.25 malam tadi.
Lebih 1,000 kenalan termasuk saudara mara Allahyarham hadir untuk memberi penghormatan terakhir serta mengiring jenazah ke tapak perkuburan.
This article was taken from http://bharian.com.my/Current_News/BH/Sunday/Mutakhir/20090726132548/Article/........
This is not about the lost of Yasmin,but i am questioning why Yasmin been addressed as Allayarham?According to my ilmu agama yg sedikit nih.....is it only me think that Allayarham is only for guys?
Is it true the rumors about Yasmin is a guy?i thought it is just a drama of media.....and i heard about Yasmin change his/her gender at U.S?
anyway,Yasmin gone already...and not in a best way..i mean, died because of stroke isn't nice ..right?
hope Yasmin will be blessed in the after world.
hope that ppl will appreciate more on her previous work.
hope that we can learn moral values from her life.
hope that she is happy and grateful on what she accomplish so far.
hope that we are inspired by her.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
old days
clinical posting in HUSM
some of the wad that we visited this week...
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
210709 OTG
2.30 - 4.30 pm:Nursing Posting at CSC(clinical skill centre)
now:at library studying.....
Saturday, 18 July 2009
falling apart
the story start to spoiled this morning....
when i just waking up from bed...i can felt something is not right....
then .......i start too feel something going up from my stomach...run to the toilet..
uweekkkkkkk.........start to vomiting all the food i eat last night......
then my stomach scream..ahhh.....again diarrhoea....this is 2Nd time i get diarrhoea in kelantan...
huh....i suspect this is all because the murtabak i bought last night.....
ahhhh....this one whole day.....i cant STUDY,cant walk.......feel helpLESS.......
hmm.........now im feeling better......even after all the struggle i face today make me realize....
that when u are sick ,u cant do anything,,,,,,
thus,make me realize that i need to be more careful on what going down my stomach....
as my lecture said that here in kelantan..the food are full with E.CoLI.....ewwww......
Friday, 17 July 2009
week of BioethICs
basically.....we study about communication and ethics in handling patient plus ethics in becoming a good Doc.....
even the block sounds like SOo easy and not complicated....
it consist of many things that ought to be learn.....just imagine....
in one day they will be like 5 lecture....then you need to study like 5 note in one nights...
making notes,remebering terms and Theories..will make your heart and soul feel frustrated.....just by looking all the compiles of notes like Gunung kinabalu.....(><)....... the maslow theory,the def of professionalism...aah......
huhu.....but i am very grateful i choose this path of life...because it make me realize that i am in the fields that i am born to be...hehe...
Thursday, 9 July 2009

murahlah...yg penting...
just imagine...air mcm air milo ais lah kan...rm1.3 jak..klo kat sabah haha..mo rm 1.8
nasi pun murah...
memang heavenlah for penggemar makanan...
plus...makanan dia ndak banyak yg len dari sabah..aka brunei punya masakan..(kan mak aku brunei)
so..memang bestlah.....
nasi with sayur n lauk just 2.50.....ok tau...sedap...ada rasa semua cukup..ndak mcm kml..kedekut garam..hua3...
klo breakfast pun u have like soo many choices...from goreng to soupy meal....
memang best...
n best part nih kan..sini sos..kicap...n sambal belacan ndak kena charge...
bukan mcm some area kat sabah yg samabal belacan tuh kena bayar..hua3
buah kat sini pun murah..
jadi boleh lah diet..aka makan healthy...hua3
nasi ambik sendiri jadi bolehlah control carbohydrates yg masuk ke dlm badan...
for summary..
here at my kampus in kelanatn ...the food are superb....
cheap.....delicious....plus the quality marvellous..hua3
ada lah ternampak pengakhiran bi dalam math n science...
dalm hati aku terdetik kenapa?
perkara nih ada baik dan juga buruknya......
well,it depends on us how to judge it...
mcm japan ok jer guna bahasa sendiri..
tapi mungkin utk mencapai seperti jepun itu amat ...hmm
aku just doakan..batch bm nih..ok dlm pelajaran..
tapi orang kat luarsana..
jgn jadikan politik sbgai medium utk memporak perandakan dunia pembelajaran k....
kami student nak belajar..
jgn jadikan kami sbgai mainan politik...
itu jer hrapan aku....
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
study week started
here i posted some of the picture taken by my Prof.....candidly...during my orientation in usm...
so guys..hows ur life now???
how life in Uni.....here i meet all the geek...i mean al the Professor....dekan n everything...
cikgu syed nasir cakap orang pakar ilmu..aka ilmuwan..huhu
so itujaklah ahh..mau pg kuliah nih..hihi
fly over yg murah
congrats again..
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
orientasi USM kampus kesihatan
sekarang nih kami tengah apply jpa.....
jadi curi2 update blog...hehe
aku dah tetapkan minda aku nak belajar kat usm nih.....
sebab aku tengok syllabus dier banyak yg bio..hua3..(takder math)
sini kan kat kelantan ...mcm orang cakap...tak maju sangat....hmm
tapi oklah..bgs utk belajar...
lagipun kat sini kan dentistry punya orang paling sikit......
sebab kos kami mahal perbelanjaan.....
medic kat sini ramai gilak...
alah...pointer pun lebih kurang jer dgn kami...
kalo dentist punya orang nak apply medic pun dapat ..confirm.....
sebab kuota sini banyak utk medic n allied health sciences.....
sini yg tak best kena kontrol mulut sebab..kan orang sabah...cakap dier pekat2....
orang lain tengok semacam jer...sabarjaklah.....
lagi satu.....makanan kat hostel taklah murah sangt ..tapi oklah..berbaloi....
satu benda yg aku tengah nak sesuaikan ialah..asramanya...makanan...semualah....
korang nak tau....
kalo ambik dentistry kat sini...
kita kena ikut semua pelajaran orang medic ...(semua sama)
kecuali kami kena tambah lagik belajar dental lah....
just imagine satu hari kuliah...
sebab USM jer buat syllabus dentistry dier mcm doktor perubatan...
tapi aku suka jugaklah...
sebab sama benda belajar ngan medic student....
facilities sini semua ok..kecuali asrama....
tandas dier oklah...
cuma dier punya tempat tidur a.k.a asrama dier kecik sangat...
lepas tuh dua tingkat katil dia...jijik kan....
aku kat atas lagik tuh...aaaaaaaa
sini aku control lah..tak nak popular..hihi
nak fokus pelajaran........
sini banyak lagik malay dari yang len2
tapikan...kat sini semua pandai2 tau....
some yg medic tuh mcm bangga2nih...bikin panas..
sedangkan pointer lebih kurang jak..
tidak di nafikan banyak yg pandai...
aku pun rasa rendah diri kat sini....
orientasi dier oklah...
besok kami pergi camping kat pasir puteh kelantan..
utk yg medic dan gigi...
pasal camping tuh aku tak gemar sangat...
aku suka klo jungle tracking ker....
tapi aku tak suka tidur dalam khemah..MURAH...
dah lah aku besar....
itujak lah dulu ahh..
kepada semua pembaca..
pls pray for me.......
as it may help me go through this very competitive and exciting Bio world..hua3
ingat afif.....................