Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
-pipete 5 ml larutan Drapkin into test tube
-pipette auto(20 ml)=pippetekan 20 ml blood specimen.
-clean tips of pipete & insert the blood into larutan 5 ml Drapkin
-Parafilm= mix the solution
-let it be for a while...
-pipete 3ml of Bradkin Solution...
-read it in spectrometer...
-change the bacaan to zero..(for zero error)
-put the solution into spectrometer
-compare the result with chart
Isipadu sel padat(PVC)
-2 capillary tube?
-mix blood sample
-insert the blood into the capillary tube until 80 %
-block one of end with plasticine
-MAKESURE the plastinised end will be near the diameter of the centrigate machine
-centrifugate for 5 minutes
-then,,,use that balckish thing to calculate the percentage of the red blood cell...
erythrocytes sendimentation rate(ESR)
-mix the blood
-insert blood to a anti coagulant citrate which is inside the ESR tube
-mix and put it in a vertical position
-insert a vistogram? tube until the solution reach o.o ml
-wait until 1 hour,then,take the reading and calculate the rate of sendimentation